Chrism Mass Homily 2024

Today’s headlines portray our world as chaotic, filled with confusion and violence, wars and famines, disorder, and fear. Some people are searching for hope and answers. Science and artificial intelligence may have the answers to our problems. Other ask where …

Jesus never leaves us

My Sisters and Brothers in Christ:

We make ready for Holy Week, a time to walk with our Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ, on the Way of the Cross. It is a time for our most sincere reflection of who …

Bishop’s Letter: Jesus never leaves us

My Sisters and Brothers in Christ:

We make ready for Holy Week, a time to walk with our Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ, on the Way of the Cross. It is a time for our most sincere reflection of who …

What is JOMO? The joy of missing out

ORLANDO | Bridget Newsum didn’t want to be in Chicago, but her husband Nick was doing his fellowship there.

She had two small children, one on the way, and lived on a tight budget after giving up a job in …

Diocese welcomes home new pastor

ORLANDO | When Father Kenneth Gill was young, he considered a vocation to the priesthood. Although years passed between his early musing and true discernment that led him to the seminary, he said his incardination into the Diocese of Orlando, …

Seminarian formation includes DR mission

DOMINICAN REPUBLIC | Harvesting beans, assisting with the celebration of Mass, walking to school an hour in the dark, helping anoint the sick. It’s all part of a new immersion, mission experience forming seminarians. The first 15 seminarians to


70 Years

Sister for Christian Community Ita Hickey

Sister Ita Hickey was a normal teenager growing up in Dublin, Ireland in the 1950s. She went to dances on the weekend, went on dates with boyfriends, and worked to help support …

About Us

We are women belonging to a religious order who take vows of poverty, chastity, and obedience. These solemn vows are taken after a period temporary, simple vows and having been in formation for a number of years. Women are called …

CCCF food ministry expands into Marion County

CANDLER | It is 8 a.m. on a Saturday morning and the line of cars is already more than 100 cars deep. By morning’s end, there would be more than 200, representing 754 individuals. It is the second mobile food …

Celebrating religious with milestone anniversaries

70 Years

Sister for Christian Community Ita Hickey


Sister Ita Hickey was a normal teenager growing up in Dublin, Ireland in the 1950s. She went to dances on the weekend, went on dates with boyfriends, and worked to help support …