The family is the community in which, from childhood, one can learn moral values, begin to honor God, and make good use of freedom.  Family life is an initiation into life in society.”

(CCC, 2207)

CatholicHÔM stands for Catholic Households on Mission. What’s the mission? To help each other love like Christ. CatholicHÔM is the first-ever digital platform dedicated to helping Catholic families encounter Christ more meaningfully at home and draw closer to each other by living the Liturgy of Domestic Church Life. To learn more, click here.

Red Bird Ministries is a Catholic, grief support ministry that focuses on bereaved families who have experienced child loss of any age and circumstance, including pregnancy loss through miscarriage and stillbirth, and after birth as an infant, child, adolescent, or adult. Red Bird Ministries has received approval from the United States Conference of Catholic Bishops (USCCB) and is listed in the Official Catholic Directory. For more information, visit here or email at or download the free Red Bird app from the app store to connect with the virtual community.

Springs of Love encourages, educates and equips Catholics to discern and live out the call to foster and adopt, while creating communities of support to help cultivate a culture of foster care and adoption in parishes. Springs of Love hopes to convey both the beauty and the challenges of fostering and adoption with attention to such issues as adoption after infertility, the impact of trauma on children, parenting a special needs child, the adoption triad, navigating relationships with birth families, the language surrounding fostering and adopting, the role of the Church in caring for children in need of parents, and more. For more information, visit here.