
Diocese’s jubilarians’ vocations exemplify works of mercy 2023
Mar 30, 2023 ORLANDO | In the final series on the Corporal and Spiritual Works of Mercy, it is appropriate to highlight this year’s jubilarian priests for their lives, through their vocation, exemplify these works. In fulfilling their mission of service, they instruct the faithful through their homilies, counsel those in doubt, accompany others by guiding them to…

Bishop’s Letter: Hosanna
Mar 30, 2023 Blessed is He who comes in the name of the Lord; hosanna in the highest! Mark 21:9 My Sisters and Brothers in Christ: We join Jesus and the people of Jerusalem, praising God and saying, “Hosanna in the highest!” for we begin this Holy Week with great joy as our Redeemer is upon us. He…

What is Palm Sunday?
Mar 30, 2023 ORLANDO | Palm Sunday of the Passion of the Lord (Palm Sunday) is April 2. The liturgy begins with the commemoration of the Lord’s entrance into Jerusalem where He will ultimately give His life for mankind, for the forgiveness of their sins. Laying a path of palms and often clothing, was a sign of respect…

Three movements of the ‘Great Symphony’
Mar 30, 2023 Symphonies are comprised of various “movements,” and while occasionally one might listen to a movement separated from the entire symphony, it isn’t meant to be this way. Each movement works together and in tension with every other movement to create the full experience of the symphonic piece. And so it is with the “Great Symphony” of the Triduum, the most sacred and transformative liturgical…

CCCF building blessed
Mar 30, 2023 ORLANDO | After months of renovation, Catholic Charities of Central Florida’s headquarters building in Orlando, was blessed by Bishop John Noonan March 24, 2023. The building was renovated due to severe water damage in 2022. Throughout the lengthy process, staffers were dispersed to different areas to continue their ministries. “Our team members experienced displacement, and…