Catechist Certification Process is the Diocese of Orlando’s certification program for teachers and catechists.

If you are a teacher in one of our diocesan schools, please speak with your principal about getting access to Catechist Certification Process or contact: John Molloy at 407-246-4911, or Javier Maldonado at 407-246-4880,

If you are a parish catechist, please speak with your Parish Catechetical Leader about getting access to Catechist Certification Process.

Participants can take courses from the comfort of their homes in the new, online system. We are also developing live versions of these courses.

For questions and support:

In addition to the courses, participants are invited to attend retreats organized for Catechists Certification Process participants at San Pedro Spiritual Development Center. Click HERE to register or for more information!

Thank you for your continued dedication and commitment to the Diocese!