ORLANDO | The following are short biographies of four of the priests who serve the Diocese of Orlando and who are celebrating jubilee anniversaries in 2024. The priests will be honored during the annual Chrism Mass Monday, March 25, at the Basilica of the National Shrine of Mary, Queen of the Universe at 11 a.m.
65 Years
Msgr. David Page

Msgr. David Page has spent his 65 years of priesthood building up the Body of Christ, often quite literally. His legacy includes numerous building projects, including parish halls, rectories, a convent, and a massive parish
rebuild and expansion at Holy Name of Jesus following hurricane damage. He brought the same dedication to the souls in his care by helping the faithful encounter Jesus through the Sacraments.
Prior to his monumental work in the Dioceses of St. Augustine and Orlando, he grew up on a farm in County Galway, Ireland, the seventh of eight children. He has a long history of service to the Church, becoming an altar server at a young age. When he was 14 years old, a missionary priest visited his three-room country school and inspired a desire in the young man to serve as priest, a decision that has never wavered.
“I knew then that I had a strong belief in the Catholic faith,” Msgr. Page said in a 2010 interview with the Florida Catholic. “I knew I wanted to share that faith. I never really had any doubts.”
Initially, he dreamed of traveling to Africa as a missionary, then to New Jersey to be close to a sister, but in 1958, he accepted the invitation of Archbishop Joseph P. Hurley to serve in the Diocese of St. Augustine following his Ordination June 8.
Once in Florida, he would work tirelessly at area Catholic schools and parishes. He was the founding pastor of the Church of the Epiphany in Port Orange, pastor of St. Mary Magdalen Parish in Altamonte Springs, the first rector of St. James Cathedral, pastor of Holy Name of Jesus Parish in Indialantic, and vice president of Father Lopez Catholic High School in Daytona Beach. He also served on the Presbyteral Council, Priests’ Personnel Board, as a Consultor for the Diocese of Orlando, Dean of the Central South Deanery, as a chaplain in the Apostleship of the Sea, and executive
editor of the Florida Catholic newspaper from 1965 to 1990. He received the papal honor of Chaplain to His Holiness with the title of monsignor in 2008. He retired from Holy Name of Jesus Parish in 2010 after more than 50 years of service. In June he will celebrate 66 years of service.
60 Years
Msgr. William Ennis
Msgr. William Ennis was born in Derry City, Northern Ireland, one of three children to John and Martha McMahon Ennis. As a young boy, while serving as an altar server at St. Eugene Cathedral, he decided to become a priest. He would begin his studies at Mungret College, a Jesuit school in Limerick, Ireland, and continue to study theology at St. Patrick’s College Seminary in Carlow, Ireland. He was ordained to the priesthood along with 24 other men June 6, 1964, in the Cathedral of the Assumption of Mary in Carlow.
Soon after Ordination, the young priest arrived in Florida to serve in the Diocese of St. Augustine. Over the next several years he became a Catholic high school teacher, parochial vicar, assistant to the chancellor, and a student at the Catholic University of America in Washington, D.C. While he was away earning his master’s degree in modern European history, new dioceses were established out of the area encompassing the Diocese of St Augustine. When he returned to Florida, it would be to serve in the newly formed Diocese of Orlando.
Over the next 47 years, Msgr. Ennis would serve on the faculty of Bishop Moore Catholic High School in Orlando and St. Charles Borromeo Parish in Orlando, as pastor of All Souls Parish in Sanford, pastor of St. Peter Parish in Deland, pastor of Holy Family Parish in Orlando and a member of the Presbyteral Council and Priests’ Personnel Board. During his 22 years at Holy Family, he oversaw the construction of a new church building, a parish school and a 24/7 adoration chapel. He retired in 2015 and received the papal honor of Chaplain to His Holiness and the title of monsignor.
In an interview from 2014, Msgr. Ennis reflected, “It’s awesome to look back now and see and be aware of (God’s) presence always guiding me (through the good and not-so-good times) all through my priesthood.”
50 Years
Father William Zamborsky
As a fourth-grader in Cleveland, Ohio, Bill Zamborsky dreamed of being a football player, pilot, policeman and priest when he grew up. Of all those possible career paths, “priesthood is the one that stuck!” Father Zamborsky said with a laugh.
While he would never pilot a plane, he did famously jump out of one for his 50th birthday, a skydiving gift from his parishioners.
The third of eight children, Father Zamborsky was following in an older brother’s footsteps who entered the seminary three years before him. Although his brother would eventually leave, Father Zamborsky would continue, graduating from St. Meinrad Seminary in Indiana and becoming ordained for the Diocese of Orlando on June 1, 1974.
Since arriving in Orlando 50 years ago, Father Zamborsky has served at St. Peter in DeLand, St. James Cathedral, Blessed Trinity in Ocala, St. John Vianney in Orlando, St. Charles Borromeo in Orlando, Holy Spirit in Mims, Prince of Peace in Ormond Beach, and Our Lady of the Springs in Ocala, where he continues as pastor today.
In every place his assignments have taken him, Father Zamborsky said the people of God have become family to him. It is the people that stand out most when he thinks back on his years of priesthood.
For his 50th anniversary of priesthood, Father Zamborsky will be on a cruise to Alaska, a place that has had special meaning to him ever since a three-month sabbatical there 10 years ago. Since that first trip, he has returned four times, technically on vacation but still serving the people in remote Alaskan missions.
“The beauty of Alaska captured my heart. The landscape is breathtaking,” said Father Zamborsky, who has always loved time spent in nature. “(The first time there) as soon as I got to the place, I went to the church. As soon as I walked in, I knew I was home. It’s the same Jesus as in Florida. It’s the same people I love and who love me. I like going back there because I always have that sense. It’s like the whole time is a prayer. I’m not by myself. I’m still there with my bride. As soon as I walk in, I feel the things that make my faith real. I’m not terribly mystical, I’m relational. In the Sacrament of the Eucharist, I sense Him and in the mystical body of Christ, God is real to me.”
25 Years
Redemptorist, Father Aldrin Nunes
As a child growing up in Mumbai, India, Redemptorist Father Aldrin Nunes spent a lot of his time at the local church. Raised in a loving Catholic family that emphasized faith, service, and community, it’s no surprise he became involved in his parish in many ways, including as an altar boy, Sunday school teacher, youth group member and more. But when his pastor told him he had a vocation to the priesthood, Father Nunes initially had other plans in mind.
“The thought of pursuing my studies in art and architecture was like following a dream. I slowly began to realize that this wasn’t enough to satisfy my heart. I could do still more to serve my Redeemer. I began to pray about it,” Father Nunes recalled. “Christ leads every person to a particular path. At a college camp, I felt the desire to belong to Christ and to work for Him getting stronger. Between church, studies, games and painting, I would spend some time in prayer.
In the silence of Christ’s presence, I would find peace. The Lord gently opened my heart to the possibility of becoming a priest.”
During a mission at this parish, Father Nunes was introduced to the Redemptorist Fathers. Afterward they handed him a leaflet with the words, “Witnesses of the Redeemer and solidarity for mission to a wounded world.” Soon he was learning more about the Redemptorists, their charism, and their founder — St. Alphonsus Liguori. He was ordained to the order May 15, 1999, in Maharashtra, India.
Since Ordination, Father Nunes has served at parishes in India and North Carolina before arriving at Sacred Heart Parish in New Smyrna Beach in 2015. He said the greatest blessing of his priesthood is the opportunity to share his faith.
“I get the opportunity every day to share my Catholic faith with other people and bring revival and renewal to individuals, families, and parishes. My work as a priest has been an amazing and inspiring journey. My work in parishes and in schools, and preaching retreats, novenas, and missions has made me realize that to truly experience God’s goodness and mercy, I have to share it with others,” Father Nunes said. “To know salvation is to preach plentiful redemption to others. With the grace and strength of the Holy Spirit, I strive daily to live my life as a missionary of hope, walking in the footsteps of the Redeemer.”
Staff Report, March 21, 2024