OCALA | Parishioners in native dress welcomed Bishop John Noonan to the Blessed Trinity Parish with an array of colorful flags March 5, for the celebration of Multicultural Day and the blessing of a new multi-purpose building. The 8,500 square foot
building is named “King of Kings” because as Father Patrick Sheedy explained, “God planned it all. We didn’t have the resources.”

Parishioners donated granite counter tops, furniture and more. Located alongside the soccer fields, the building has bathrooms for athletes. Inside there is a large room with a warming kitchen for youth programs, EDGE and LifeTeen which often have at least 100 participants. There are three classrooms for the Spanish Small Group Adult Faith Sharing and three private offices. New parking is another crowd-pleaser.
“God is good. It all just fell in place. We didn’t have a plan, He did,” Father Sheedy said. “That’s usually how it is. God has a plan, and we hope we’re awake enough to see it.”
By Glenda Meekins of the Florida Catholic staff, March 09, 2023