Amendment 4

An extremely grave amendment has been placed on the November 2024 ballot that seeks to erase pro-life protections by inserting language into the Florida Constitution prohibiting regulation of abortion. The amendment would allow late-term abortions, including when the baby is capable of feeling pain, and would eliminate laws requiring parental consent and safety protocols for women. The Florida Conference of Catholic Bishops is working hard to oppose this dangerous and deceptive amendment and urges all Floridians to vote “no” on Amendment 4.

“We urge all Floridians of goodwill to stand against the legalization of late-term abortion and oppose the abortion amendment. In doing so, we will not only protect the weakest, most innocent, and defenseless of human life among us but also countless women throughout the state from the harms of abortion,” said the bishops of Florida in their statement on Amendment 4. 


Sara Johnson, statewide grassroots director for Vote No on 4 Florida, and Michele Taylor, FCCB’s associate director for communications, discuss deceptive and extreme Amendment 4. This amendment on Florida’s general election ballot would allow late-term abortions and jeopardize health and safety protections for women and minors. It removes doctors from the abortion decision, includes a broad “health” loophole, and eliminates parental consent.

Hear more on why Floridians should vote NO on Amendment 4 on this new episode of Catholics Across the Aisle.

Amendment 4: Not What it Seems and Way Too Extreme