God calls each person to a life of holiness and service, whether single, married, ordained or consecrated. The Office of Vocations provides discernment opportunities, encouragement, support, education and resources for those responding to God’s call through the ministerial priesthood and religious life. We are committed to fostering an environment where vocations to the priesthood and religious life are valued and nurtured within the domestic church of the family and the local parish community.

6 Tips to help you discern God’s call in your life

There are over 50 religious orders of men and women serving the people of God in the Diocese of Orlando. We invite you to learn about their religious communities here.

  1. Pray every day for grace to hear God’s voice calling you.

    • Pray for the right orientation, a genuine dedication to God’s values and purposes so that these are predominant in all your life choices.
    • Prayer for the generosity and courage to give the gift of yourself and your life in some concrete way to the cause of the God’s reign.
    • Prayer for help in discerning, to know myself better and then to read clearly the various options you are contemplating (Thomas Hart).

  2. Ask a priest, brother or sister to help you during a discernment period.
  3. Contact your Diocesan Vocations Director 407-768-3113.
  4. Spend time with priests/sisters/brothers in order to get to know them and allow them to know you.
  5. Ask yourself honestly if you have the qualities necessary for the particular vocation that attracts you. Get feedback from others.
  6. Take advantage of vocation retreats, spiritual books, and videos, which can fill your imagination with things of God and support your vocational discernment.

Discerning the Call to the Priesthood or Religious Life

Prayer and Discernment

A person who prays to discern his/her call from God prays in three general areas:

  1. Pray for the right orientation, a genuine dedication to God’s values and purposes so that these are predominant in all your life choices.
  2. Prayer for the generosity and courage to give the gift of yourself and your life in some concrete way to the cause of the God’s reign.
  3. Prayer for help in discerning, to know myself better and then to read clearly the various options you are contemplating (Thomas Hart).

Contact Us

Father Josh Swallows
Vocations Director & Chaplain of Catholic Campus Ministry at the University of Central Florida
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Sister Gianna Grace Perino, SCTJM
Associate Director of Vocations
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Darcey Dinh
Office Coordinator
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Jennifer Settle, Consecrated Virgin
Delegate for Consecrated Virginity
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