ORLANDO | Dhanush is 15 years old. As a young boy in India, he discovered a gift for technology. Seeing those less privileged around him, he wanted to share it by teaching computer skills to the less fortunate. He found …
Parish welcomes new Missionary of La Salette pastor
ORLANDO | Blessed Trinity Parish in Orlando has a new pastor, La Salette Father Phil “Skip” Negley. Always led by the Missionaries of Our Lady of La Salette, it is no surprise Father Negley is filling the shoes of the …
Half a million meals: Catholic Charities’ food pantries surpass milestone
ORLANDO | Within one year’s time — from July 1, 2022 to June 30, 2023 — Catholic Charities reached a milestone measured by one can, fruit, vegetable and other food items at a time.
In that time, seven food pantries …