Ministry empowers second chances after prison

CASSELBERRY | Damein Mitchell spent much of his 50 years doing time. In and out of prison for some 20 years, St. Vincent de Paul’s St. Peter Claver Prison Ministry and their partnership with Promising People changed the course of …

3 women veterans served then and now

ORLANDO | As we conclude our commitment to honor veterans this week, Florida Catholic shares the stories of three women who served their country and continue to serve their brothers and sisters by living out their faith.


Bishop’s Letter: Imitators of God

My Sisters and Brothers in Christ:

How are you these summer days? Are you strengthened by God’s heavenly sustenance, the Eucharist? St. Paul tells us about the gift of the Eucharist as he speaks to the Ephesians, long ago yet …

Eucharistic love embodies congress

INDIANAPOLIS, Indiana | Priests and lay people talking with the homeless, nuns praying on the sidewalk, a stranger sharing his conversion story on a curb, smiling crowds singing prayers in the streets – it was the Eucharist alive in downtown …

Bishop’s Letter: Forgiveness, mercy central to Jubilee Year

Editor’s note: With the approaching Jubilee Year – Pilgrims of Hope, Bishop John Noonan responds to questions posed by Florida Catholic in this second of a two-part interview.


FC: Pope Francis has announced a Jubilee Year beginning Dec. 29,

Parish sees to the needs of visually impaired child

WINTER PARK | Haylee is a smart, happy 8-year-old girl who loves God and her family. Her mother said she likes to try new things, travel to new places and meet life head on. Her gentle nature has fellow students …

Be fervent in prayer, constant in hope

ORLANDO | Prayer and hope were the words at the heart of Bishop John Noonan’s message to Father Michael Batista and Father Phillip Mills on their Ordination day, May 25, 2024.

Welcoming them, their families, friends and communities to the …

Jesus the Nazarene hails devotees from afar

DELAND | In its seventh year, hundreds of Filipinos from as far as New York and Michigan traveled to Deland to pay homage to Jesus the Black Nazarene. The largest participation since its inception, devotees found comfort in sharing Christ’s …