Program helps form priests to serve the poor

ORLANDO   | Austin Adams and Josué Reyes Díaz arrived at Catholic Charities of Central Florida early on one cold morning. The line for food was already forming.

Both men are seminarians for the Diocese of Orlando. Adams is a parishioner

During Advent, St. Charles Borromeo students share the joy of giving

ORLANDO | This Advent season, students at St. Charles Borromeo Catholic School embraced the true spirit of Christmas by participating in a heartwarming service project.

Partnering with One Heart for Women and Children, each classroom, from Pre-k3 through eight, “adopted” …

3 women veterans served then and now

ORLANDO | As we conclude our commitment to honor veterans this week, Florida Catholic shares the stories of three women who served their country and continue to serve their brothers and sisters by living out their faith.


18 men go forward in diakonia

ORLANDO | Eighteen men promised to serve the Lord with their lives, becoming deacons for the Diocese of Orlando, June 8, 2024. Family and friends packed the Basilica of the National Shrine of Mary, Queen of the Universe in support …

Students pursue being Eucharist for the world

This is the first of two stories on Class of 2024 graduates. Part 2 will run in the June 14 e-edition.

ORLANDO | More than 700 students graduated from Diocese of Orlando Catholic high schools this year. As the National …

Parish welcomes new Missionary of La Salette pastor

ORLANDO | Blessed Trinity Parish in Orlando has a new pastor, La Salette Father Phil “Skip” Negley. Always led by the Missionaries of Our Lady of La Salette, it is no surprise Father Negley is filling the shoes of the …

Ministry cares for Jesus through hotel ministry

ORLANDO | After retirement, Tom Gawronski sought a ministry to serve. He found the newly formed Lazarus Ministry at his parish, St. Margaret Mary in Winter Park. The ministry cares for residents of extended-stay hotels on Lee Rd. “I kind …