ORLANDO | Eighteen men promised to serve the Lord with their lives, becoming deacons for the Diocese of Orlando, June 8, 2024. Family and friends packed the Basilica of the National Shrine of Mary, Queen of the Universe in support …
Future priests are young, ready to serve
ORLANDO | Bishop John Noonan will ordain two transitional deacons to the Order of Priest, Saturday, May 25, 10 a.m. noon, at the Basilica of the National Shrine of Mary, Queen of the Universe, 8300 Vineland Ave., Orlando. All are …
Diocese welcomes home new pastor
ORLANDO | When Father Kenneth Gill was young, he considered a vocation to the priesthood. Although years passed between his early musing and true discernment that led him to the seminary, he said his incardination into the Diocese of Orlando, …
Priest’s life cut short after five decades of service
PALM BAY | Father Robert “Bob” Hoeffner and his sister, Sally, were tragically murdered in their home Jan. 28, 2024. Born to parents Bernard and Margaret Aug. 20, 1947, in Queens, New York, Father Hoeffner was one of eight children.…
Parish welcomes new Missionary of La Salette pastor
ORLANDO | Blessed Trinity Parish in Orlando has a new pastor, La Salette Father Phil “Skip” Negley. Always led by the Missionaries of Our Lady of La Salette, it is no surprise Father Negley is filling the shoes of the …
Homegrown sisters celebrate jubilees
ST. AUGUSTINE | Two Sisters of St. Joseph of St. Augustine raised in Orlando and parishioners of St. Andrew Parish celebrate decades of their profession as religious — Sister Carolyn Tucker at 60 years and Sister Diane Couture at 50 …
Celebrating religious with milestone anniversaries
70 Years
Sister for Christian Community Ita Hickey
Sister Ita Hickey was a normal teenager growing up in Dublin, Ireland in the 1950s. She went to dances on the weekend, went on dates with boyfriends, and worked to help …