
800th anniversary of St. Dominic’s death
Aug 20, 2021 HAINES CITY | Pastor of St. Ann Parish and former Dominican Father Alfonso Cely and Dominican Father Duberney Grajales honor the 800th anniversary of St. Dominic’s death. “To live our entire life imbued in the love of Christ, to become one with Him in prayer, and to speak about God seems like a difficult challenge…

A Call to Sacrifice: Diaconate Rite of Candidacy
Aug 20, 2021 For Bryan Zornik, there was no giant, neon sign from God. No fanfare. No sudden, life-altering moment. Rather, he felt a constant tug on his heart. That feeling continued to grow until it led him to seek more information about how to enter the permanent diaconate. “After a number of years praying about [the diaconate],…

Bishop’s Letter: Choose God
Aug 19, 2021 "As for me and my household, we will serve the LORD." Joshua 24:15 [audio mp3="https://www.orlandodiocese.org/wp-content/uploads/2021/08/35-Choose-God.mp3"][/audio] My Sisters and Brothers in Christ: Who do you serve? Every day this question is posed to us as we arise and as we ready ourselves for rest. We have every opportunity to serve God; or, we can choose…