
Loving Lent: The transformative power of sacrifice
Feb 23, 2022 ORLANDO | Ash Wednesday is around the corner, inaugurating the Lenten season. Across the globe, Christians are deciding what to sacrifice for spiritual growth. The choice must be discerned. Clergy note it is not a self-help type of discipline one is looking for, like a New Year’s resolution. It is much deeper. Rather than viewing…

New chapel in La Cueva
Feb 23, 2022 LA CUEVA, Dominican Republic | A small village in the Dominican mountain range of Las Lomas is in the process of building a new chapel to continue glorifying the Lord. With the help of Diocese of Orlando mission volunteers, this community now challenges surrounding communities to be their own light on the hilltop. Over several…

You are Dust and to Dust You Shall Return
Feb 23, 2022 When someone asks us, “Where are you from?” most likely our first thought is where we were born, or perhaps, we might take it to mean, where we live now. Sometimes, it’s fun to try to figure out where a person’s roots are sunk as we watch their peculiar mannerisms, or listen to the drawl,…