
Doctors in the house
Aug 4, 2022 ORLANDO | Dubbed “The Doctors of College Park”, their focus is to make their zeal for faith, learning, and solidarity contagious. Principals Erika Wikstrom (Bishop Moore), Alicia Abbey (Morning Star), and Jamie Rodriguez (St. Charles Borromeo) are all PhDs who share a common campus in Orlando. Superintendent of Catholic Schools, Henry Fortier said, “The College…

A stroke of confidence
Aug 4, 2022 DUNNELLON | She began drawing at age 4. By high school, Jessica Brown had broadened her creative skills in art and music, as a skilled flautist. But she had to choose. Painting won, leading her to the Savannah College of Art and Design (SCAD) on a full scholarship. “Art for me came more easily,” Brown…

New principals, role models of faith
Aug 4, 2022 ORLANDO | Celebrating the first year of the Eucharistic Revival, six new principals in the Diocese of Orlando schools find Christ at the center of their lives and plan to pass it on to students and faculty. [caption id="attachment_316017" align="alignleft" width="214"] Principal Camille Jowanna, Santa Fe Catholic High School,…

Catholic Culture: What’s the difference between tradition and Tradition?
Aug 4, 2022 We may say there is no difference. However, if we put the question in the context of our faith, there is a difference. “We are in the world, but we do not belong to the world”, we read in John’s Gospel. When we speak about tradition with lowercase, we understand the way we pass customs,…