Marriage & Family Ministry
The family finds in the plan of God the creator and redeemer not only its identify, what it is, but also its mission, what it can and should do.”
Familiaris Consortio, 17
The Office of Marriage and Family Ministry is dedicated to upholding the sanctity and vocation of marriage and family life. Our mission is to equip and support parishes with the essential tools, resources, and guidance needed to pastorally accompany couples and families, cultivating vibrant, compassionate communities where the dignity of every marriage and family is honored and nurtured.
We envision a diocese where every marriage is a testament to Christ’s grace and love, and where families are living out their call to be the domestic church.
“What is the nature of the family in the plan of God? A man and a woman united in marriage form a family together with their children. God instituted the family and endowed it with its fundamental constitution. Marriage and the family are ordered to the good of the spouses and to the procreation and education of children. Members of the same family establish among themselves personal relationships and primary responsibilities. In Christ the family becomes the domestic church because it is a community of faith, of hope, and of charity.” – CCC 2201-2205, 2249
The Office of Marriage and Family Ministry provides support for:
Contact Us
Edna Cedano
Marriage & Family Ministry Coordinator
Laity, Family & Life