The mission of the Office of Facilities Maintenance is to support the parishes, schools, and diocesan entities with facility operations, repairs and replacements, and budgeting for future capital projects to preserve the patrimony of the Catholic church. 

Successful capital projects begin with collaboration between the parish and Diocesan Office of Facilities Maintenance.  Projects begin by evaluating needs, defining the scope of work, receiving bids from approved contractors, requesting DFC approval, and contracting with the selected contractor.  The major steps of a successful project include:

Phase I: Plan

Parish contacts the Office of Facilities Maintenance to discuss the proposed project and identify funding sources.  As part of the project, the parish’s Facilities Condition Assessment will be reviewed (or developed) to understand the other upcoming needs. Click here for more details.

Phase II: Design

A preliminary Project Plan is created, which may include engaging outside consultants to design the improvements or develop the scope of work. Click here for more details.

Phase III: Bid

The Office of Facilities Maintenance creates a Request for Proposal (RFP) to qualified contractors.  The RFP will include a complete and accurate description of the project, the project timeline, design drawings (if applicable), and any special considerations to ensure bidders understand the project.  Upon receipt of bids, the Office of Facilities Maintenance shall review the bids and forward to the parish along with a selection recommendation. Click here for more details.

Phase IV: Approve

The parish presents the project to its Parish Finance Council before the Office of Facilities Maintenance submits a request to the Diocesan Finance Council on the parish’s behalf. Click here for more details.

Phase V: Construct

Upon approval from the Diocesan Finance Council and Bishop, the Office of Facilities Maintenance creates the contract with the vendor, the vendor applies for permits, and construction commences upon receipt of permits.  The Office of Facilities Maintenance and the parish inspect the construction progress, reviews payment requests, and completes the closeout documentation process. Click here for more details.

Phase VI: Maintain

Upon completion of the project, the parish performs scheduled maintenance on the new building component to maximize its expected life and maintain the contractor and manufacture warranties. Click here for more details.