Bishop Letter: Are we with God?

My Sisters and Brothers in Christ:

In this beautiful Scripture citation from the Book of Joshua, Joshua leads a conversation with the people and asks them if they wish to serve God, or some other god or person. He tells …

Population growth = growth in God’s kingdom

ORLANDO | Booming construction in Marion and Sumter counties is breathing new life into the Catholic Church in the northwest corner of the diocese.

An influx of young families on the outskirts of The Villages is invigorating faithful communities formerly …

Walking in faith

ORLANDO | Her family was running late for services on Easter Sunday. Arriving at the chapel on Lackland Air Force base in San Antonio, Texas, Madison Lincoln saw the word “Mass.”

“What’s Mass?” the 13-year-old asked herself. She walked in …

Bishop’s Letter: Always remember life is a gift

My Sisters and Brothers in Christ:

Grace and peace of our Lord Jesus Christ be with you this new year! As we journeyed with our Blessed Mother Mary and her spouse, St. Joseph, through the Advent and Christmas seasons, we …